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  • A Comparative Study of Search Interactions and Experiences Between Collaborative and Individual Search

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-08-27 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] This study aims to explore the differences between collaborative mode and individual mode of information search on search experience and search interaction, trying to understand the characteristics of collaborative information search from various angles.[Method/process] The experiment is designed based on books interactive retrieval platform (CLEF-Social Book Search). Sixteen independent and eighteen collaborative participants are recruited to the laboratory to complete different types of book search tasks. Users' interactions with the system during search are recorded through the backend server; while their search experience is recorded by questionnaires completed before and after the search. In data analysis, users' interactions and search experience are compared between two search modes.[Result/conclusion] (1) Search experience:Compared with individual searchers, collaborative searchers have better evaluation on experiment system function and higher evaluation on aesthetics, durability, novelty of the system, and participate in the search more intently. However, collaborative searcher felt a bit more frustrated and mentally taxing than individual searchers. (2) Search strategies:Compared with individual searchers, collaborative searchers make more decisions in the goal-oriented task, especially the decision of removing books from bookbag, which indicates collaborative searchers need to sort the books in the later stage. In the open-ended task, collaborative searchers spend more time before each decision than individual searchers, which is probably because of collaborative searcher's higher level of focus and participatory. This study helps understand about collaborative search through comparison with individual search, which may provide inspiration for collaborative search system design.

  • User Roles and Behaviors in Learning Groups' Online Knowledge Collaboration

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-08-26 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] This paper aims to explore user roles and behaviors in the learning groups' online knowledge collaboration and their collaborative features and distributions. This study will help people better understand behavioral features and distributions of collaborative user roles in the learning groups' collaboration. It will also help information service providers to provide more useful information to different users.[Method/process] By the methods of social network analysis (SNA) and cluster analysis, we collected 1096 collaborative log edits from an online course collaboration platform and analyzed them. [Result/conclusion] In learning groups' online knowledge collaboration, leaders play a significant leading role,substantial content providers focus on providing contentand have little communications with other users despite some micro-collaboration among themselves. Maintainer corrects the editing vulnerabilities and misbehavior of other roles in the collaboration, and also maintain close relationships with key users in the group. The contribution of social connectors is not quite obvious in learning groups.

  • Social Tagging of ACG Video Contents and the Entertainment Tagging Trend: A Case Study of

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] Social tagging is used widely used in organizing user generated web contents. However, relatively less is known about the new motivations behind social tagging of user generated video contents. This paper analyzes’s video tags to explore the new entertainment trend in video tagging. [Method/process] It used a mixed-method approach by content analysis and interviews to understand the use of video tags to study the tag content, motivations and functions of the entertaining tags. [Result/conclusion] ①The most common types of video tags used by users are "content theme" and "people". ②Entertainment tags are an important part of the content of B-station tags. ③ The motivation of users to use entertainment tags is mostly for social communication and interaction. ④Entertainment tags have special functions in addition to traditional tags, such as "improving video viewing experience". This study provides some preliminary results on the tagging of ACG videos and insights to further understand the new trends of video indexing and social tagging.

  • Research on the Online Knowledge Collaboration Behaviors: the Influence of Team Member Intimacy and Collaborative Tendencies

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] To help in-depth understanding of the influence of team member intimacy and collaboration tendencies on small-scale online knowledge collaboration behaviors, as well as the behavior mode of small-scale users online knowledge collaboration. The research results can be applied to the fields of online education, scientific research collaboration, and etc., to provide references for the improvement of online knowledge collaboration tools and platform functions. [Method/Process] Through user experiments, this paper analyzed the five types of behaviors of task planning, information retrieval, information sharing, information use and communication of small teams, and explored the influence of team members on the above behaviors. [Result/Conclusion] Intimacy has a positive and significant impact on strategy formulation, especially the collaborative strategy formulation behavior. Groups with high intimacy and weak collaboration are more inclined to make time plans. Groups with high intimacy and strong collaboration tend to share search strategies, especially the search experience. In the same situation of weak collaboration, the frequency of communication behaviors of the group with high intimacy is higher than that of the group with low intimacy, and the "double high" group has explored new ways of communication on its own. Collaboration tendencies have a significant impact on personal information retrieval behaviors. In the case of low intimacy, groups with weak collaboration tendencies conduct personal information retrieval more frequently. In the case of high intimacy, teams with strong collaboration tendencies share information and edit team results more frequently.

  • Research on the Effect of Knowledge Representation Forms of Learning Materials on Digital Reading

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] From the perspective of knowledge organization, this study explores the influence of two different organization forms on the reading effect of learning materials, and provides references for the research and application of knowledge representation in subsequent reading materials. [Method/Process] Using a between-group experiment design, 26 subjects participated two types of reading tests, a reading search task and a memory task, respectively. The differences were compared by reading time, the number of correct questions and subjective preference of subjects. [Result/Conclusion] The results show that there is no significant difference in the performance of the subjects in the search task, but in the memory task, the reading effect of tree-structure organization form is significantly better than traditional linear paragraphs. In addition, the merits of the tree-structured materials in the evaluation of subjects’ subjective preferences are more, such as clear logic, easy to remember, and so on.

  • 先验态度对选择性信息行为与认知机制的影响探究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2022-11-27 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of prior attitudes onusers’access to opposing information , especially the behavioral characteristics of selective exposure , selective under-standing, and selective recall. ( Method/Process] This study adopted the experimental method. Firstly, the prioraltitudes of the participants were understood through the pre-test questionnaire , and then the participants were provid.ed with articles of the same and opposite viewpoints. The participants freely chose the articles to read and thought aoud, and made decisions again after reading and displayed the reasons. After the experiment, the participants filleoin the post-est questionnare. [Result/Conclusion] Participants have selective exposure and selective recall, andprior attitude have a significant effect on selective exposure behaviors and recall after 1 day. On the basis of selectiveexposure , participants show four cognitive and understanding processes for information. There are 11 cognitive mechanisms , including " key item extraction" , " restatement , " semantic fit" and " eliminalion". In the theorelicasense , this study supplements the research results related to selective information behaviors and enriches the researchin the field of the information behavior. From the point of view of practical significance, it helps to promote usersmore objective cognition and scientific decision-making.

  • 商品检索中的多任务识别与分析

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-10-11 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract: [Objective] This research aims to identify shopping tasks from product search, and then analyze the characteristic of multi-task sessions. [Methods] Using the product classification of Taobao, and a list of manually selected product terms, we identified online shopping tasks based on query terms from 19 704 search sessions by 2 754 users. [Results] First, factors influence the number of queries per shopping task: product characteristics, the amount of available products, and the difficulty in describing product category with query terms. Second, we found that in sessions with a major task, the relationship among the shopping tasks is closer. [Limitations] The task identification method based on query terms cannot completely describe the complex consumer shopping behaviors. [Conclusions] This study provides an exploratory understanding of the relationships among various shopping tasks, and may be used to improve product recommendation algorithm, as well as predict shopping behaviors.

  • 多会话商品信息搜寻行为、情境及影响因素研究

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2017-10-11 Cooperative journals: 《数据分析与知识发现》

    Abstract: [Objective] This research aims to examine the information seeking behavior patterns and contextual factors of online shoppers’ multi-sessional activities. [Methods] First, we analyzed 1,409,160 logs of an online shopping Web site (generated by 4,285 users) to discover their information seeking behaviors. Second, we used in-depth interviews to explore the users’ motivations. [Results] We found that multi-session shoppers were more likely to check detailed introduction to the products than simply browsing. The average interval between each session was 3 to 4 days. Personal preferences, needs, financial ability and time might lead the users to restore their previous sessions. Searching, shopping carts, bookmarks, browsing and personalized recommendation services were the major channels for users to restore previous sessions. [Limitations] Because of the limited number of participants, results from the interviews might not be generalizable to the whole population. [Conclusions] This research helps us understand the complex online shopping behaviors as well as improve services and user experience of E-commence Web sites.