Your conditions: 李玉海
  • 卷首语

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《知识管理论坛》

    Abstract:才送走寅虎,迎来卯兔,大洋彼岸又突然冒出了一只黑天鹅——ChatGPT,使这个原本在“物理” 上纷扰不堪的世界,在“逻辑”上也凸显混沌,也给《知识管理论坛》的学术海洋掀起一片浪花, 引发人们对知识的本源、知识的价值、知识的科学性与权威性,以及知识管理与服务的人机边界与 融合等问题的深入思考。

  • Analysis of Research Situation on China’s Government Data Openness from 2011 to 2020

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《知识管理论坛》

    Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] From multiple dimensions, this paper combs the research situation of China’s government data openness from 2011 to 2020, focuses on the distribution of topics, time series evolution and characteristics, and the subject distribution of research results, reveals the research trend of China’s government data openness, and provides references for related researchers. [Method/Process] This article used the methods of literature survey, bibliometrics and visualization to obtain the evolution path of the hot topics of China’s government data openness research, and conducted clustering and content analysis to summarize the distribution of research results. [Result/Conclusion] The analysis finds that the research sample has the characteristics of policy orientation, multiple themes, interdisciplinary and relatively concentrated results. Future research trends may focus on: constructing government open data value generation and guarantee mechanisms to enhance the economic value of data elements; developing government open data value measurement methods, frameworks and indicators to improve data utilization; increasing empirical research between user utilization and effectiveness to improve the monitoring and management of open data; formulating more fine-grained laws, regulations and policies to ensure safe sharing.

  • 卷首语

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《知识管理论坛》

    Abstract:金牛奋蹄辞旧岁,玉虎昂首迎新春。 在 2021-2022 辞旧迎新之际,《知识管理论坛》已迎来创刊的第 7 个年头。在过去的几年间,我 们共同面对的是,世界百年未有之大变局和新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行交织影响,国内经济社会各领 域发展都面临着巨大的挑战。在这样的大背景下,知识经济、知识创新等概念以新的形象重新被大 众所认识,知识也逐渐作为一种能够实际影响社会经济的生产资料为资本所追捧。人类对于知识的 探求欲望总是不可餍足的,但知识又难以被人类所完全掌控,缺乏有效的管理模式与方法,因而陷 入事倍功半的困境。在喧嚣之下,我们更应冷静思索知识以及知识管理的本质与内涵,才能把握住 时代的浪潮,而这也是作为一本学术期刊《知识管理论坛》所不断求索的初心和使命。

  • Identification and Evolution Analysis of Literature Themes in Literature Resource Guarantee System in China

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《知识管理论坛》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] By analyzing the path of thematic evolution of literature resource guarantee system in China, this paper provides references for reconstructing literature resource guarantee system in China. [Method/process] This paper used LDA model to cluster the collected documents. Firstly, it used the time period as the basis of division, drew the co-occurrence network of topic words, and explored the interactions between topics. Then the paper determined the evolution path within each subject by similarity calculation and showed it in the form of visualization by drawing Sankey diagram. [Result/conclusion] The study finds that all the relevant themes of literature resource guarantee system in China have basically appeared around 2000. The topic mainly includes two categories of resources and institutions, which are greatly influenced by computer technology and national policy. The corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are given for these two categories of topics.

  • 卷首语

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-10-08 Cooperative journals: 《知识管理论坛》

    Abstract:太平世界,环球同此凉热。 就在知识管理跟其他学科一样——热火朝天地探索,脚踏实地地应用,稳健创新地发展之际, 2020 年一场突如其来的全球公共卫生突发事件给世界经济带来巨大冲击,对人类社会发展进步产生 深远影响。我们看到,疫情期间,一些组织机构花大量时间和精力建立起来的组织架构和管理体系 运转失灵,对社会治理和经济发展产生负面作用。同时,一些部门却表现出强劲的活力,一如既往 地令行禁止,使命必达。林林总总的现象和问题摆在我们面前。作为从事知识管理研究的广大科研 工作者,我们对致力于所研究领域的方向、内涵和意义认识更清晰、深刻和深远,面临的任务更艰巨、 责任更重大。我们必须深思并行动。

  • Data Acquisition in Library Intelligent Service

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-07-26 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] This paper defines the connotation of library wisdom service, constructs the data model that supporting intelligent service, and discusses its methods and processes to promote the realization of intelligent services.[Method/process] This paper explains the meaning of the intelligent service in library, puts forward the relationship model between intelligence degree and interactivity, frequency, response time, depth of data perception of library services, discusses the influence of different data on intelligent service, and gives different ways of data acquisition.[Result/conclusion] Data is a necessary support for modern library to realize intelligent service. Libraries must rely on sufficient skills and patience to mine potential data of users, and realize rapid, in-depth and flexible intelligent services based on corresponding data interaction.

  • Exploration on the standard framework of smart library construction

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-06-07

    Abstract: Objective  To promote the construction of smart library with evidence to specialization and standardization,it is necessary to build a standard framework system for the construction of smart library.
    Methods From the aspects of theoretical research and practical development, it reveals the general path of industry (field) evolution,combines the existing standard system,discusses the source of intelligent library.
    Results  Based on the open system interconnection and communication reference model (OSI model), the standard framework model of smart library in China is proposed.
    Limitations  The specific contents of national standards,industry standards, local standards,social group standards and enterprise standards are not subdivided from the macro level.As the future development form of the library, the smart library will also have many new situations and new problems that have not been encountered before.
    Conclusions The standard framework system of intelligent library is put forward from the four dimensions of resources,space,business and technology.

  • The Highlands of the Theory and the Blind of the Construction of the Smart Library

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2023-06-05

    Abstract: Objective To effectively promote the smart library construction process, the fuzzy theoretical and practical problems of the smart library are discussed in this paper.
    Methods This paper mainly uses literature research and data analysis methods to construct a theoretical system for smart library research, analyze the theoretical highlands that need to be conquered in the research, sort out the practical situation of smart libraries and summarize the blind spots in the process from the perspective of their causes.
    Results The theoretical highlands to be overcome in smart library research are analyzed on the basis of putting forward the theoretical system of smart library research, and the blind spots in practice are summarized on the basis of summarizing the practice mode of smart library.
    Limitations The data and literature involved in this paper have not yet covered all the content of smart library research, and the amount of data and literature needs to be further expanded.
    Conclusions In theory, smart library research needs to pay attention to some key issues, such as the relationship between technology and humanity, non-technical problems, and the construction of smart librarians. In practice, it needs to pay attention to solving the development blind spots in technology, direction, and personnel.

  • The Evolutionary Game between Libraries and Librarians in Unconventional Times

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] This paper clarifies the changes in the income of libraries and book supplier in the extraordinary period, and reveals the cooperation strategy between the library and the book supplier in the extraordinary period.[Method/process] Analyze the cooperation between the library and the book supplier from the theoretical and practical levels. The theoretical level analyzed the revenue and equilibrium points of the library and book supplier through games. On the practical level, it used a multi-case study method to analyze the measures taken by some libraries and book supplier in novel coronavirus epidemic.[Result/conclusion] Libraries and book supplier should choose " cooperation" and put forward the cooperation mechanism between library and book supplier from three aspects:product pricing cooperation mechanism, reputation trust cooperation mechanism and value cooperation mechanism.

  • Data Loss and Preservation Countermeasures of University Library

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] To investigate the data preservation capability and loss status of some double-first class university libraries in China, research and analyze the application of the maturity model of digital preservation capability in reducing data loss and data preservation, and for the construction and development of domestic data preservation systems Provide references.[Method/process] By exploring the data preservation and utilization of the official websites of some university libraries at home and abroad, it analyzed from the dimensions of digital collection resources, digital preservation capabilities and policies, and digital preservation consciousness. Comments on the resulting data loss.[Result/conclusion] To summarize the current status of digital preservation in some colleges and universities in China, and put forward the necessity and significance of improving the digital preservation capabilities of Chinese university libraries, and use the Digital Preservation Capability Maturity Model (DPCMM) to provide theoretical support for university library data preservation.

  • Collaborative Operation Model and Simulation Analysis of Knowledge Value Chain of Digital Document Information Resources

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/Significance] Knowledge innovation is introduced into the production value chain of digital document information resources as a dependent variable, and the principle of interaction among various subjects in the value chain is analyzed, so as to clarify the existing problems and development direction in the guarantee construction of digital document information resources in China.[Method/Process] The system structure of knowledge production of digital literature information resources was analyzed with the help of value chain model, and the system dynamics model was simulated with Vensim PLE software for simulation analysis and sensitivity analysis.[Result/Conclusion] The knowledge innovation of society as a whole is most sensitive to the cost of knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing. However, in the current production of digital literature information resources in China, publishers give high knowledge added value, but the communication efficiency is low, data merchants have high communication rate, but the knowledge added value is insufficient, resulting in high cost and difficult transformation. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the reconstruction of document information resource guarantee system.

  • Reflections on Cultural Elements in the Discipline Construction of Library, Information and Archives Management in the New Era

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Information Science submitted time 2023-04-01 Cooperative journals: 《图书情报工作》

    Abstract: [Purpose/significance] The disciplinary culture construction is an important part of the discipline construction of library, information and archives management. The condensing of the elements of the disciplinary culture is beneficial to provide direction and guidance for the disciplinary culture construction of library, information and archives management. [Method/process] Through an in-depth analysis of the connotation of the disciplinary culture, combining the main contents of the discipline culture matrix and the discipline culture forms, this paper analyzed and refined the disciplinary culture elements of library, information and archives management, and on this basis further elicited the discipline construction thinking that focuses on the cultural elements. [Result/conclusion] The disciplinary culture construction of library, information and archives management is a systematic and complex project. On the one hand, it is necessary to give full play to the important roles of the Ministry of Education, universities, colleges, academic masters and many other subjects in the construction of discipline culture. On the other hand, it is also necessary to pay attention to the discipline itself to realize the integrity and innovation of discipline culture.

  • 政府数据开放十年实践与未来展望

    Subjects: Library Science,Information Science >> Library Science submitted time 2022-11-28

    Abstract: None